And once again the Head Gardener and I went down and did hours and hours on the allotment yesterday and I significantly failed to write it all up. This time Ronan O'Geara was blameless. In fact I blame it all on the Octogenarian Mother. I had been cooking her a dinner which took 24 hours and it was still rushed at the end! It was worth it though. It was Ragu Napoletana from an Italian pasta recipe book and it took that length of time just because it did really. It had several different types of pork, about a hundred gallons of olive oil and water and several other veg type things. It was worth it but I digress.
We had a full team of gardening staff this time round as quite by coincidence, Octogenarian Mother arrived at the plot just before we did having, as usual, walked a colossal distance to get there. She and The Neighbour were setting the world to rights when we got there. In fact I think they mostly had it done.
I have never met anyone who walked so much. Apart from Richard Dougan maybe. And he climbed Everest.
Having done nothing but eat, drink and watch rugby all weekend, and having some idea of the calorific content of the evening meal, I took the headstaggers and announced that I was going to dig over a whole bed to myself. AND I DID!!!! i fear I may no longer be allotment widow but might be turning into an allotment bore!!!! (What do you mean?) BUT I DUG THE WHOLE BED MYSELF!!!!!!!!! HONEST!!! I was stakhanovite, especially considering that the entire underside of the topsoil is covered in a lovely lawn so that every time you stick a spade in you have to get rid of all that.
Shed News Flash: Mr Shed will deliver next week!!!! Huzzah!!!!
We then planted the peas, went home and ate a lot of ham.
In summary:
Hours spent - 2
Work done - turning over another bed and planting peas
cost of seeds - not a baldy clue. But they were very small so probably not much.
socialising - with The Neighbour.
Produce; sore arms
Value of produce: hopefull increased level of fitness but may be negated by eating pork and drinking wine.
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